Monday, June 9, 2014

Review of tx holdem::How to Win in Texas Hold Em?

Review of tx holdem::How to Win in Texas Hold Em?

Texas               Hold'em               has               been               around               for               years,               but               recently               it               has               caught               on               like               the               plague.

Many               people               first               heard               of               the               game               when               The               World               Series               of               Poker               was               shown               live               on               ESPN               and               the               unknown               Chris               Moneymaker,               an               amateur               that               won               his               way               into               the               tournament               through               an               online               site,               won               2.5               million               dollars               at               the               final               table.

Since               then               Texas               Hold'em               games               started               to               show               up               everywhere,               especially               online               game               sites.

The               market               is               there               for               selling               this               game               and               making               a               lot               of               money,               but               what               about               we               who               want               to               play               purely               for               recreation,               where               do               we               fit               into               the               game?

There               are               many               online               sites               you               can               go               to               for               a               free               game,               but               it               just               doesn't               have               the               feel               of               sitting               at               a               table               staring               across               at               your               opponent,               studying               them,               trying               to               decide               who               holds               the               better               hand.

That               is               what               Hold'em               is               all               about!
               Well               for               years               I               have               gone               to               tournaments               and               paid               my               entry               fee               and               played               my               heart               out.

Well               if               you               are               an               avid               player               these               buy-ins               can               get               expensive               and               sometimes               the               wife               isn't               so               understanding.

I               was               looking               for               a               place               to               play               my               games               and               have               fun               but               at               no               cost               to               me.

Sounds               impossible               doesn't               it?

I               thought               the               same               but               then               a               friend               told               me               about               Poker               Pub.
               Poker               Pub               is               an               organization               that               decided               they               would               hold               free               Texas               Hold'em               games               at               local               bars               in               the               Kansas               City               area.

Instead               of               charging               an               entry               fee               they               would               charge               the               bar               a               rental               fee               for               their               services,               in               turn               making               poker               games               free               for               you               and               me.

The               best               part               (besides               being               free)               is               they               have               great               prizes               at               every               tournament,               for               the               winners.
               I               know               it's               awesome               isn't               it?
               The               only               thing               that               makes               me               hate               Poker               Pub               is               the               fact               that               I               didn't               come               up               with               the               idea.

Poker               Pub               started               out               in               Kansas               City,               and               now               works               in               6               states,               CO,               MO,               KS,               TX,               AR,               AZ.

And               if               you               aren't               familiar               with               State               Abbreviations               and               I               am               talking               to               the               people               in               Arkansas,               Google               search               the               letters               and               it               will               tell               you.
               So               what               else               does               Poker               Pub               have               to               offer?

Well               they               have               so               many               tournaments               that               they               hold               qualifiers               to               larger               tournaments               where               you               can               win               some               great               prizes,               such               as               buy-ins               at               local               casinos,               and               even               trips               to               Las               Vegas.

So               what               are               you               waiting               for               go               check               it               out…oh               yeah               the               website               address…here               it               is               (
               The               website               impressed               me,               and               I               do               web               development               and               hate               most               webpages.

It               is               a               little               messy               but               great               info               and               easy               to               navigate;               their               first               page               is               always               the               most               recent               news               about               the               games               so               you               know               what               is               going               on.

They               always               let               you               know               in               advance               if               a               game               is               cancelled               or               moved               or               if               new               places               are               added               or               old               places               removed.

I               love               how               they               keep               you               up               to               date,               and               also               they               have               a               great               calendar               that               tells               time               and               places               for               games               in               your               city               and               at               what               location.

They               even               provide               maps               with               directions;               you               don't               even               have               to               rely               on               your               Google               map               skills.

Another               function               of               their               website               I               like               is               you               can               subscribe               to               all               ongoing               tournaments               and               get               updates               about               them.

So               if               something               happens               and               the               tournament               has               to               be               put               on               hold,               you               are               notified               and               don't               show               up               looking               like               Phil               Ivey               ready               for               a               game.
               Downfalls               to               Poker               Pub               (in               some               people's               eyes)               is               that               you               have               to               be               21               for               almost               all               games,               because               most               places               that               host               them               are               bars               and               don't               want               any               underage               people               there               drinking.

This               doesn't               bother               me               at               all,               this               way               I               don't               have               to               put               up               with               some               18               year               old               punk               who               thinks               it's               ok               to               yell               "yeah               baby"               every               time               he               thinks               he               has               a               good               hand               (which               is               normally               Jack/Queen               unsuited).

You               can               call               the               locations               to               see               their               specific               rules               on               their               21               and               over               policy,               some               places               don't               enforce               this.
               Another               downfall               is               that               a               lot               of               people               think               they               are               good               players               and               come               dressed               as               their               favorite               players               or               wear               crazy               getups,               which               doesn't               help               you               win               at               poker,               so               stop               wearing               them.

So               for               you               experienced               players               who               don't               like               to               play               with               amateurs               who               don't               know               how               to               really               play,               it               can               be               excruciating               until               most               of               them               are               eliminated.

Other               than               these               two               small               downfalls,               there               isn't               much               else               you               can               complain               about.

You               get               free               poker               with               chances               to               win               some               great               prizes,               and               best               of               all               you               get               to               play               at               a               real               table               against               people               face               to               face.

I               think               this               adds               to               the               game               and               makes               it               ten               times               more               fun               then               playing               online               with               some               crappy               graphics               against               people               who               go               all               in               ever               hand.
               Well               check               out               Poker               Pub               and               see               what               I               am               talking               about               and               enjoy               all               the               free               games               and               prizes.

Who               knows               maybe               you               are               the               next               Chris               Moneymaker.

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