Review of poker rankings hand::How to Read Poker Players
Nobody can argue that poker has had a true renaissance in the past several years.
It used to be known as a game that "seedy" people played and wasn't always played in circles that practiced honesty.
Well with the popularity the World Series Of Poker has received on television all that has changed.
Will there be another card game that has a renaissance in the coming years?
If so could it be bridge?
Bridge is a card game played in which two sets of partners play against each other.
The partners first try to get "the contract" by outbidding their opponents.
Then they try to get the most tricks.
Might sound simple, but see here's the trick ....
the most popular form of bridge is "duplicate". In duplicate bridge you have at least two tables in a room.
One pair sits in the north-south direction, and the other in east-west direction at each table.
I will give a simplified version of the scoring here.
Both tables play the same hand, and there is a way to score each hand based on the contract and how many tricks the pair that gets the contract takes.
Instead of competing against the other pair at your table though, you are trying to do better than the pair at the other table sitting the same direction as you are.
Remember you are playing the same hand! As I said, that is a very basic explanation of the scoring, typically there are anywhere from 4 to 18 tables in a bridge game at a club.
So you could be competing against 17 other pairs on each hand!
This article though isn't about all the rules and strategies there are books over hundred of pages written on the subject! I am trying to decide if I think Bridge could become popular with the late teen and 20's crowd.
I think it has potential because of the ability to bluff in the game just like poker, and also the competitiveness when playing with a large group at a club.
There are different rankings you get as you earn "masterpoints" based on how you finish in tournaments.
These masterpoints allow you to compare yourself with other players around the world.
They even have "stratified" tournaments where you compete against people of your same level and can finish in that level and any above it, but the the people in higher levels can not place in the levels below them. The challenge of moving up the ranks could be appealing to many out there.
My only concern is the time it takes to play, a typical bridge game played at a club or tournament will take 3-4 hours to play.
A hand usually takes about 8-10 minutes.
The other issue with Bridge is the fact that if you notice there are a lot of books on the subject.
This is because it is a very complex game with bidding and play strategies.
Will a large audience be willing to study the strategies enough for it to explode in popularity? Well, I think the chances of this happening unfortunately are very slim.
I think the advantage for poker was that it was a simple basic strategy to learn and play the basics and develop your own strategy.
Unfortunately for Bridge, the basic strategy and learning curve is steep enough that it will probably chase off the casual card fan from learning the game. If it is marketed properly I think Bridge's popularity can increase with the younger crowd, but I don't think it will ever rival the renaissance poker has experienced.
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